Federico Zanet


Physical Therapist, MS Sports Physical Therapy, Strength & Conditioning Cert.

Federico was born in 1995 and grew up in the province of Varese, Italy.

He always had a great interest in sports. When he was 7, he approached the world of basketball, a great passion for him. He loves mountains and for a while he practiced climbing.

He graduated in 2017 from the University of Insubria in Varese (Italy), and immediately started working in the musculoskeletal and sports field, cooperating with some rehabilitation centers and with a C-series volleyball team. The willingness to improve in this field led him to join the Executive Master in Physical Therapy applied to Sports at the University of Siena (Italy), completed in 2020. This allowed him to get in touch with different professional sport teams and from 2020 to 2022 he cooperated with the UYBA Volley Busto Arsizio which currently sits in the top Italian volleyball league and takes part to the main European competitions.

After his degree in 2017, besides his Master, he also had the chance to deepen his knowledge of the musculoskeletal / sports field and of Strength & Conditioning principles by attending courses and conferences held by the leading experts in these fields.

Federico joined the Sports Rehab team at the end of 2022.

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