Psychologist, Sport Psychologist, MS, PhD student
Mattia was born in Como in 1996. He spent his childhood between the lake and the mountains, having relatives in Valtellina, an area to which he is very attached.
Always a sports enthusiast, he started playing football at the age of 6 and, despite some injuries, still continues at amateur level. In 2020, he fell in love with running and, with perseverance, prepared and ran several half marathons. In general, sport fascinates him because it breaks down all kinds of barriers and connects the athlete with his own limits.
He enrolled in the Faculty of Psychological Sciences and Techniques at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and, in 2020, completed his master's degree in Organisational Psychology with top marks.
After passing the state exam and enrolling in the Italian Association of Psychologists, he decided to build a bridge between his great passion, sport, and psychology. He enrolled in a master's programme in Sport and Psychosocial Intervention at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and began working in the sporting context, both at youth level and in the third sector.
Today he is attending an international PhD in Exercise and Sport Sciences, works as a sports psychologist in the youth sector of a professional club and with some athletes, and is involved in some associations and communities that use sport for social purposes.
His conviction is that only by constantly shifting our focus between the practical and the theoretical can we grasp the complexity of reality and the needs of individuals, groups, organizations and communities.
The relationship always plays a fundamental role, with its constraints and infinite possibilities, and is the element that can really bring value to a course. The idea is that an athlete, at any level and with any ambition, can only live his or her sporting experience to the fullest if he or she understands the importance of the process and the journey, as well as the result and the performance; and only if he or she thinks and conceives of himself or herself as a person, even before being a sportsman, in a continuous intertwining of sport and life.
Waves are what keep oceans from just being very big puddles